Or I could just watch the movies.
I know I know, I'd miss a lot. I'm usually the one saying that, "Read the book, it's always so much better and you miss a lot if you don't read the book first". There are a lot of movies I haven't seen because I have the book. I won't watch until I read the book.
But I really want to see the Potter movie and I know there is no one on earth that I'm going to get all those books done in any kind of timely fashion WHATSOEVER! So I am going to cheat and watch the movies. But I will go back and read all the books because I know I'll enjoy the books just as much as the movies with this series!
Speaking of series, I'm almost done Undone by Karin Slaughter. I'll actually be done it by the time I leave work at 6 AM. It's a good one and I love this series. I love these characters. And I'm not a patient person so waiting for the next book is going to kill me. Why can't authors release a book every 6 months when they do a series? Is that really asking too much?
I guess that means I'll be starting a new book tomorrow morning to help me doze off. I'm thinking I'll start The Last Child by John Hart. I've seen some good reviews for this book so I'm looking forward to getting into it!
And last but not least, thank you to my friend Karen at http://karenintx.blogspot.com/ for my new pretty tag!

LOL... on the HP books. I also read them to J & M when they were too little to read them by themselves. You were better than me, though... I'd hardly ever read a full chapter at a time...they were just too long.