I've been MIA for a few day because I've been insanely busy! We were supposed to go away for the weekend and I even took Sunday night off from work to enjoy a nice long family weekend. I walked out of work on Friday morning and it's raining. When I got home, I was greeted at the back door by a very pouty faced, red eyed little girl. My Sassy was not happy that it was raining on her parade!
We were supposed to go to the water park up the mountains and then do some sight seeing up there that would require it to be sunny. Looks like someone didn't get my daily plan. After some discussion and more tears, we all decided to go back to bed.
We did manage to salvage the weekend. We had a really great Friday night of playing on the Wii and then playing a few r
ounds of Apples to Apples! I love that game! We slept in on Saturday morning and then decided even with the light rains to head out to Valley Forge National Park. We haven't been there since the boys were little and I completely forgot how much there is to see there. We had a fabulous time! I think the boys were pleasantly surprised and enjoyed themselves. I took about 275 pictures and we didn't even finish seeing everything in the park. We were there for about 4 hours and I probably could have used another 2 hours to cover it all. We're making plans to go back in the fall to finish our site seeing and to get some great foliage pictures! I can not wait!!

I'm having so much fun playing with my camera. I got my first rainbow shot and my first butterfly on a flower shot.

I could have stayed there all day and night if it didn't get so dark there! I'll have to work on my timing for some sunsetting shots and the foliage shots. It should be beautiful in October!
Sounds like you were able to have fun despite the weather, so good for you! It's so annoying when Mother Nature doesn't get the memo. *L* Loved your pictures! I've gotten a few rainbow shots, but still haven't managed to capture any butterflys. Nice job!