Illegitimis Non Carborundum

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Monday.....

and I just finished a book that took me way too long to read!

I finished The Girl on Legare Street by Karen White. It wasn't bad, a typical Karen White book if you read her books. This was the second book in this series and I'm pretty sure there are going to be more. It should have been a good quick read but I just didn't have a lot of reading time over the last few weeks.

I hate "rating" books. Not that I'm a huge influence on people's reading. I enjoyed this book. I'm a little disappointed that the characters didn't do what I wanted them to do but from the ending, it seems like there is going to be more of them in the next one. I think you have to enjoy a little mystery with some paranormal activity in it to enjoy these books.

And since it's Monday, I'm going to challenge myself every week, starting with today! I need to be done one and starting a new book every Monday. There's no excuse! Summer is here and there is more time to read!

So this week's book is......Sworn To Silence by Linda Castillo. This is a totally new to me author and I hadn't even heard of the book until I read my and they informed me that the second book was coming out soon!

I can't read out of order, it goes against everything I believe in.

I had to get the first one to see if I liked this author and this series!

So here's hoping this is a good series, a good author and a good new find!
Happy Reading!!


  1. There's nothing like starting a new book... ahhh, Heaven :D
    I've heard great things about this novel. Let me know what you think about it.

  2. I'm enjoying reading more too Lori. Glad to hear you'll be getting more reading done too. I know you really enjoy it.

  3. I've heard about that book, I'd like to read it too!



So, whatcha thinkin?