Illegitimis Non Carborundum

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Remember that scene in......

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, the one where he gets all excited because everyone likes him??? Isn't going on your blog and seeing new followers just like that scene?!! Thank you everyone for hopping by and checking it out.

I promise I'm going to return the favor this week at work. My Internet connection is horrible at home ever since my son & his friend "fixed" it. Funny thing, they all can get on and stay connected and the Wii works via on line. But my little notebook keeps getting kicked off and then I have to reconnect every 5 minutes. So writing longs things and going to a blog and reading is frustrating when you have to go through every step every 5 minutes. I do better reading at work anyway, lots of peace and quiet there!

I'm not huge on book reviews since I've never really reviewed any books. I love to read, books and blogs, and sometimes I'll give my opinion of a book that I grabbed from the library or Doubleday. I don't have any publishers or anything that I am hooked up with. Just my thoughts and opinions here. Hope that doesn't disappoint!

It's great to see so many new people, have so many new places to visit and new blogs to rely on for a nice relaxing evening!!


  1. Cool! Lori got an award!
    See, told you book blog hopping was fun!

  2. Woohoo Lori! New followers and an award. Sounds like you're starting off to a good week ahead.


So, whatcha thinkin?