Illegitimis Non Carborundum

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Madhouse Monday......

I can't say no. I am just going to accept that. That does not make me a bad person. That just makes me a little more crazy than before but I'm comfortable with crazy.

I could have said no today when Jerry asked if we could give his friend a ride home. And even though it was about 15 minutes out of my way, I did it.

I could have said no tonight when I went to the Moms Association meeting and they needed officers but I didn't. I really wanted to be on the Officers board. I enjoy that kind of thing. But did I think I was going to be President? No, I did not. I figured I'd start out at the bottom and work my way up. Well, no one else wanted the job. You would think that would make a person think twice about taking that job. But not me, it made me want to just jump right in there and take over. I did manage to talk my one friend into taking the VP position. Funny thing is I just met this girl in October. We did go to high school together but we never knew each other. We met at the craft fair since we were working together and we started talking. Turns out she grew up in the parish that we are in AND her sister is a girl that I am friendly with at school. So now we are doing the Mom's board together and it should be fun! At least that's what I'm telling myself. I seriously believe that not doing all these things in high school is what makes me do them now. I always wanted to fit in and be a part of things but due to our situation at home, I could never really join anything. I had to be there to watch my little brother. So it's like I'm making up for that lost time. And there is no one that can tell me I can't do it! LOL

My mom was right, once I got my own house and grew up, I could make all the rules! I like my rules!


  1. That's exactly how I became PTA President!

    At least your Moms Association is in capable hands. Have fun with your rediscovered friend.


So, whatcha thinkin?